

The AN-501 oxygen analyzer is a fuel cell analyzer from GE Sensing. It is available in a wide selection of ranges from 0-10 ppm, 0-100 ppm, 0-1000 ppm, 0-10,000 ppm as well as 0-10% and 0-25% ranges. The unit also has a built-in calibration procedure that is easy to perform. This analyzer is also unaffected by solvent vapor unlike other analyzers. This unit is low maintenance, compact and economically priced. These analyzers are used in our RGP-1 line of gas purifiers.

The AN-502 moisture analyzer from GE Sensing is available in a wide selection of ranges, 0-10 ppm, 0-100 ppm, 0-1000 ppm, and 0-10,000 ppm as well as a wide range of dew points from –110C to 40C. This unit uses a very durable ceramic sensor that is solvent resistant and very stable. This unit is maintenance free, compact and affordably priced. These analyzers are used in our RGP-1 line of gas purifiers.


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2C Fanaras Drive
Salisbury, MA 01952
p: 978-255-1620
f: 978-428-0222

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Whether you need a glovebox, gas purifier or solvent purifier please contact us to discuss your application. We pride ourselves on our one-of-a-kind solutions and our high-quality standard products.